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"Behold!  I saw heaven open, and there before me was a white horse, whose rider is faithful and true." ~Revelation 19: 11a


Sponsored by Jennifer Riggs - 1/1/2025-1/1-2026 Thank you Jen!

  Vision is our ranch mascot. She was our first horse, a Palomino American Quarter Horse. Vision is our inspiration for Wildfire Ranch, and our publicity manager!  She is definitely, “Momma’s girl”.   She is beautiful, curious, and has a free spirit.


     We are happy to introduce you to our herd! Please  scroll down to meet our extended family! Become a monthly sponsor of one of our horses and receive a canvas print of your horse and your name/church/business will be listed our our website. Special thanks to our current monthly church sponsors:   

CrossWalk Church in Williamsburg, VA. 

Heritage Aflame Ministry in Bolivar, NY.





"I am devoted to the Lord's work in love" ~I Corinthians 16: 10, 14 

Sponsorship $100/month


Liberty is one of our majestic geldings.  He is a Missouri Fox Trotter,  and amazing with children. He came to us as a gift from Wildfire Ranch in PA. He is well versed in equine therapy, kids camps and trail rides. He is a vital and loving part of our ministry. 





"I am the radiant light, the bright and morning star." ~Revelation 22: 16


Sponsored by Chris Evans - Thank you Chris!

  Daisy is our, “Radiant Light.” She has kind eyes and is sweet, curious and affectionate. Daisy is a b
lack American Quarter Horse mare.




"I am the Resurrection and the Life... thou he were dead, yet shall he live!" ~John 11:25


Sponsorship $100/month


Promise is our stunning Kentucky Mountain Horse. She is a, "no nonsense, "trail horse." She loves being out on a ride (and even tries to assist with her bridle!).  We can count on her to lead in any weather, through creeks and up mountains! Promise embodies the promises of God in fulfilling  a little girls deep love for and dream of one day owning horses.



“In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth…. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.”  ~Genesis 1:1


Sponsored by Danae Abraham 12/1/23-12/1/24


Eclipse is our fancy Saddlebred gelding. He came to us from Phoenix Rising Horse Rescue in Clarence, NY, where he was retired as an Amish or cart driving race horse. He is so full of  poise and grace, used for therapy, trails and jumping for his new person, our 14year old daughter.


In Loving Memory of SHIANNE


"The Battle Belongs to the Lord!'  ~2 Chronicles. 20:15


​​Shianne, Hebrew name for "Song," was rescued from Last Chance Rescue Bailout in Allegany, NY.  Shianne was a strong and courageous mare, suffering from chronic respiratory issues, she reminded us of embracing each day for the many gifts it holds.



"Wherever your heart is, there your treasure will be also." ~Matthew 6: 21


Sponsored 12/1/20225-12/1/2026 Thank you!

  Our miniature Appaloosa mare is our Treasure. She is sweet and clever. I  She is compliant on a lead rope and introduces newbies to horsemanship.

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Rejoice greatly, Daughter Zion! Shout, Daughter Jerusalem! See, your king comes to you, righteous and victorious, lowly and riding on a donkey,
   on a colt, the foal of a donkey.  ~Zechariah 9:9


Sponsored 12/1/25-11/1/26 Thank You!


Zebedee was another rescue from Last Chance Rescue Bailout in Allegany, NY. He has been a joy to build a relationship with. He loves treats, being pet and is a sweet boy!  He finally will carry a child on his back! 

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